The CBI is seeking major changes...

The CBI is seeking major changes to the proposed EU chemicals regulation. It says that if it remains unaltered, it would force EU chemicals companies to bear the cost of testing in excess of 30,000 substances. This could lead to thousands of jobs being lost to the far east. It estimates that the new testing programme could cost up to £6bn, and have an impact on all companies that use chemicals. "It could be the death knell for some companies in the chemical industry".

The CBI says that chemicals should not have to go through pointless re-testing where adequate data already exists. "Most are not hazardous, and only those that are potentially dangerous should be targeted." It also requires the new framework to recognise, not seek to duplicate, the protections offered by existing legislation. Companies have to assess the risks from all substances used in the workplace, and in addition, the EU has introduced extensive rules on consumer safety.