Editor's Letter

I sat down to write about the interconnectivity of risk, and how the US sub-prime mortgages disaster had led to the unpleasant vision of savers queuing outside branches of UK’s Northern Rock to withdraw their money – and this despite all the regulation in the European banking world which is designed to prevent just such a disaster.

But that seems a bit depressing, and we are, after all, nearing Christmas.

So let’s instead think about something far more uplifting – the StrategicRISK European risk management awards on 17 April in Paris.

Do you watch the Oscars? Whether you love them or hate them, most people find them fairly compulsive viewing. But how do our risk management awards compare?

Well, for a start, we ask you to enter. You’re not on nationally or internationally distributed film (at least we don’t think so) so if you don’t tell us what you’ve done we’ll never know.

And we’re looking for achievers rather than ‘stars’. There is a difference.

An achiever is someone who accomplishes a significant feat, with the judges taking into account background circumstances, the type of company involved, etc. We’re not just looking for a blaze of brilliance. Steady hard work in conquering a specific problem in a particular area will do.

Another difference is that, if you win, you won’t have every producer in Hollywood seeking you out (unfortunately). But you will gain considerable respect, not only for yourself but for the organisation which was clever enough to appoint you. And you may well find, as many of our previous winners have done, that you gain increased credibility within your organisation. Sad but true, there is nothing like an independent external accolade to convince colleagues that you were on the right track all along.

Finally, we do spare you the speech of thanks. We don’t expect our winners with tears running down their faces to thank their family, friends, neighbour’s dog or whatever. All we ask is that, if you’ve got a good story, please enter!

Sue Copeman, Editor, StrategicRISK

> To submit your application online or by post, visit strategicrisk.eu/awards2008
