The first module of Prorim, the European risk management education project in which AIRMIC is involved, was unveiled as a pilot at the Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations

This module is on human resources. Four other modules and an introduction are to follow in English by the end of the year, while versions in French, German and Italian will be available by March 2006. The additional modules cover strategy, sales and marketing, finance and business continuity.

The pilot, which is funded by the European Union Leonardo project, will be complete by October 2006, after which it can be released in a commercial version. Users who license Prorim will be able to customise it to suit their own purposes. Paul Taylor, chairman of the Prorim project, says insurers, brokers and consultants have expressed interest in adding the programme to their portfolio of client services.

Must Have Knowledge, a UK company specialising in online publishing, has been commissioned to create the web based program.