All #ChangingRisk articles – Page 3

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    Hunting Black Swans


    Benedikt Hintze, senior risk and insurance manager, Georgsmarienhütte Holdings shares thoughts on #ChangingRisk and his new book, ‘Insurance Manager Convinces Company Boss’

  • ChangingRiskInsurance

    A structural and sustainable process


    Matthias Beck, head of group insurance and risk management, Würth Group, discusses #ChangingRisk and the challenge of establishing good processes

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    We are trying to revolutionise risk


    When it comes to risks, the only constant is change. We have launched the #ChangingRisk survey to find out how you, the industry, believe we can adapt, so that we remain most valuable and relevant in this rapidly moving business world. Here’s a preview of the results so far

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    Four changes risk managers must make if they want to make a difference


    Risk managers need to change the way they view, approach and act on risk. There are no quick fixes, just a hard process for #ChangingRisk, writes Hans Læssøe, principal consultant at AKTUS and former risk manager of The LEGO Group

  • Tracey

    Risk managers need to be brave and reach the next level


    Airmic board member and risk manager for BT Tracey Skinner explains why risk managers need to talk to as many people as possible and not be blinded by their jargon

  • James 2

    Valuing intangible assets


    Data has an intrinsic value but how do insurers value an intangible asset? James Tuplin from AXA XL explains.

  • Julia Graham

    How to upgrade your risk management


    As part of our #ChangingRisk series at Airmic 2019, Julia Graham, deputy chief executive and technical director at Airmic says risk managers must upskill on communication and storytelling and broaden their knowledge to gain the eyes and ears of the c-suite and the board

  • Colin Barker

    “Today’s risk management is fragmented”


    #ChangingRisk for the future requires a ‘unified’ voice to break down silos, says Colin Barker, company secretary for Bayer UK

  • Patrick Smith

    We need to disrupt ourselves to disrupt the future of risk management


    In our #ChangingRisk series in Harrogate, Patrick Smith, founder of Tribe Advisory, says risk management is about strategic fulfilment and to get there, we need to change the risk language, says

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    What’s in a name?


    While Juliet Capulet contested the value of ‘a name’ in William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, a lot can, in fact, be achieved from changing a name, writes Patrick Smith, director of Acumen Advisory, and principal of Airmic Academy

  • John-Ludlow

    New world. New Solutions


    We need to create two distinct and defined roles in risk management to drive new solutions in a changing world, writes John Ludlow, chief executive for Airmic

  • Revolution

    Be part of the #ChangingRisk Community


    We surveyed risk managers from across the world for their views on what needs to change in risk management. Here’s a preview of the results

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    Aligning your enterprise risk management framework to the board’s strategic objectives


    Risk leaders must uncover the linkages between uncertainty and strategic value levers to play their part in enhancing risk management and #ChangingRisk for better, writes Darren, Partner at ICG

  • Changing Risk 20

    From transactional risk management to risk-based decision-making


    For many, strategy is the realm of the heroic chief executive, but risk managers have an important strategic role to play. Here, Darren Munday, partner at ICG outlines his vision for #ChangingRisk

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    What is strategy? That’s the question


    Much has been written about the risk leader of the future, but there is less agreement as to how exactly this person can be strategic in their approach. Darren Munday, partner at ICG, gives us the ‘how’ and proposes a structured approach to horizon scanning, in our latest #ChangingRisk article

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    The risk manager’s job is no longer about risk defence


    We are facing a paradigm shift. Risk management cannot be defensive anymore. Risk management must support the businesses and should be at the root of organisational strategy. Brigitte Bouquot, Amrae president and risk manager for Thales lays out her vision for #ChangingRisk

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    Be a better risk manager using coffee


    How do you know what risks are top of mind in the business if you don’t ask everyone? Seek group enterprise and technology risk manager, Ben Agar says #changingrisk is impossible without these conversations.

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    Want to make a difference in risk? Try adapting your soft skills


    Dealing with the c-suite is becoming one of the most critical components of a risk manager’s job. And to play a bigger role in #ChangingRisk in their companies, risk managers need to develop critical soft skills, says François Malan, chief risk officer at Nexity

  • ChangingRisk study

    Be part of the #ChangingRisk movement – take part in our qualitative study


    Seven questions, 5 minutes – all that’s required to be part of the #ChangingRisk movement and have your say in our #ChangingRisk manifesto

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    Stop thinking like risk managers and start thinking like the C-suite


    As part of #ChangingRisk, I’d like more risk managers to report to the CEO, with board access. This means risk management can’t just be about evaluating risks, but about influencing the strategic direction of a company, says Gaëtan Lefevre, group risk and insurance manager at Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie