PARIMA chairman Franck Baron tells StrategicRISK why ’redefining risks’ will be an important central theme that will be echoed across PARIMA’s conferences and new initiatives in 2019.

The business landscape is constantly changing. Good risk managers understand that a wider lens is required to be able to look ahead. New and intangible risks require different risk management approaches.

With transformative business models at play, risk managers need to continually adapt and equip themselves to stay relevant and ahead of the game.

All this calls for a change in the way one sees and defines risks as well as a re-positioning of a risk manager’s role in the organisation. In 2019, we would like to challenge risk managers to embrace new perspectives when looking at risk, managing risks and developing themselves. We hope, together with our partners, we can inject freshness of thinking that enables members to build their risk capability, foster stronger relationships and drive measurable impact.

2019 conference topics will be centered around 3 sub-themes:

1. Redefining the risk landscape

2. Redefining the risk management approach

3. Redefining the risk profession

In particular, PARIMA is glad to be bringing our competency project which started in May 2018 to fruition this year and launching it in our May conference in 2019 in Manila. Last year, we started an APAC wide initiative interviewing our members to understand what are the competencies that set risk managers apart and makes them successful in their profession. We are looking forward to sharing with everyone the results of our validation effort as we believe this will truly be a game changer for risk managers.